Oct 14, 2014 Meeting Agenda

Time & Location: Monthly, every 2nd Tuesday at 7 PM, in the patio area at Antonella’s Ristorante, 1701 Park Avenue, San Jose , CA 95126 (408) 279-4922.

7:00 PM – Buffet Dinner: Salad, Pasta, Pizza, Bread & Soft drinks($10), or order direct from the menu. To help Antonella’s cover the cost of our meeting in the patio dining area, members are encouraged to have the buffet dinner or menu items.


President – Terry:
Vice President – Brian:
Treasurer – Don:
Secretary – Paul:
Members Attending (1 point) –
Guests –
Participation points update –


1) Brad has shown us the club business and they look great. Some comments were made. We agreed on the minor changes and we are ready to publish 1000 cards Thank you Brad for all the good work !

2) Other club news & ideas –


1) Brad – Axle issues….


1) September 13 – Deer Valley (the open section). Entered from Hwy 4 side, at Hermit Valley Campground. Attendees: Chris, Rahul, Paul, Alicia, Terry, Steve, Joe, Aaron (and others whom I forget). We had good time, no major mechanical issues. But for various reasons it was a somewhat unusual run. There are/were quite a few things happening on DV, regarding re-opening, the Forest Service evaluation, appellants & sheriff’s tour, anti’s on trail, weird signs, suggestion to write comments & trail work, status of adopters: South County Trail Riders, etc., we’ll talk about at the meeting.

2) October 4 – Slick Rock & Sourgrass planned but interest was very low. Did anyone run up there anyway?

UPCOMING RUNS (2 points for attending, +1 for overnight, +1 for Trail/Run Leader)

1) November 1 – Sourgrass Adopt-A-Trail Run & maybe Slick Rock. Hwy 4 Protocol.

2) November 25-20 – Turkey Trot or similar So. Cal. desert run.

3) December – Toys-for-Tots run & Christmas dinner

4) Winter – CB Tune-Up and Swap Meet. Terry & Tom to determine best day. If you have 4×4 stuff to sell or a CB & antenna to fix or tune-up, this is a good time to do it.

Places we’ve not been for quite some time and not closed (i.e. Eldorado NF): Swamp Lake, Rubicon, Fordyce, Lassen Applegate, Moab, and our persistent favorite: Barney Riley!

8:30 PM – Meeting adjournment.


SAVING OUR TRAILS new=bold (1 point for sending comments or similar action)
(or should it be: ‘Trials for Trails’…?)

Since it’s an election year, individual members may consider giving to TrailPAC, http://thetrailpac.blogspot.com & http://www.thetrailpac.com. Don Amador set up “TRAILPAC” a few years ago (PAC= Political Action Committee).. Don is ‘Lyin King’ on Pirate4X4-Land Use.

Corva is spearheading efforts along with Inland Empire 4Wheelers (IE4W), to fight actions to close trails & open areas within Ocotilo Wells SVRA. Though we do not visit Ocotillo Wells with any regularity (I did about 5 years ago), the implications may be far-reaching, possibly affecting access to Hollister Hills & Carnegie SVRAs, and even routes within other state parks (e.g. Anza-Borrego, Bodie Hills, etc). Donations can be made at: http://www.corva.org/donate , click the “IE4W Ocotillo Wells Challenge!” category. PayPal is accepted. More information can be found at Corva.org, and http://ie4w.com/.

Barrett Lake Jeep Trail: I do not know if work on the ground has started on Barrett yet. In any case, plans are to re-open it no sooner than summer 2015. See previous month’s minutes for details, and read ENF’s plans and comments at:http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprd3792621.pdf. & http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprd3810733.pdfI think the next trail ENF may work on is Strawberry Pass. It should have received state OHV Trust funding to study it. No word on Deer Valley, Pardoe/Squaw Ridge, or Long Valley yet.

Check Blue Ribbon Coalition, Corva.org, Cal4wheel, and Pirate4x4 websites for the latest access news.

Aaron, Alicia, Brad, Brian, Chris, Don, Eric, Gary, Genna, Joe, Lyle, Marco, Mario, Matt, Paul E, Paul H, Rahul, Randy, Roger, Ron, Terry, Tom K, Tom W.

Paul E